Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Dear Students,

We have come to the end of the semester and this is a brief note to bid you farewell. I would like to wish you the best in all your undertakings in the future. I hope you have enjoyed the reading class and the class blog. I must say that I am very happy you have learnt about blogging so quickly - I was just lucky to teach a group of intelligent bloggers in my class. Once you leave the class you can still have access to the class blog and all the material and links provided for you. You are very welcome to keep your student blogs active if you wish.

I have put some materials on the right for you if you like to practise... 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


An encyclopedia or encyclopaedia is a reference work or compendium providing summaries of information from either all branches of knowledge or from a particular field or discipline. Encyclopedias are divided into articles or entries that are often arranged alphabetically by article name and sometimes by thematic categories. Encyclopedia entries are longer and more detailed than those in most dictionaries.
Encyclopedias have existed for around 2,000 years and have evolved considerably as a valued source of reliable information compiled by experts, printed versions found a prominent place in libraries, schools and other educational institutions.
The appearance of digital and open-source versions in the 20th century has vastly expanded the accessibility, authorship, readership, and variety of encyclopedia entries and called into question the idea of what an encyclopedia is and the relevance of applying to such dynamic productions the traditional criteria for assembling and evaluating print encyclopedias.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Information and graphic texts

An information text is a piece of non-fiction writing which gives information about a particular thing (for example: Cleopatra, Ancient Egypt, recycling or volcanoes). Information texts are sometimes called non-chronological reports, because they are giving information about something without mentioning the order in which it happened.

Features of information texts

Students will usually be asked to research something relevant to their learning, for example: if they are learning about the Victorians in history, they may be asked to research a certain area, such as child labour or Victorian funerals. They will look at various texts and discuss the features:
  • main title
  • sub-headings
  • bullet points
  • paragraphs
  • pictures and captions.
They will then make notes on their topic, possibly on a spider diagram.
Note-making is an important skill and it cannot be taken for granted that children automatically know how to do it! Teachers will model this skill, by reading a sentence shown on the board and then asking children to say which the most important words are. For example, they might show a paragraph like this:
If a Victorian woman lost her husband she was called a widow. The period of time after her husband's death was called mourning. She would wear black for two years while she was in full mourning. She would then spend a period of six months in half mourning, during which time she would wear grey or lavender clothes.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Reading newspaper articles

Media File
Each week you will need to collect news clippings about current issues and the most useful sources are The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian and The Daily Telegraph. Current concerns are usually, immediately covered by the press and it will mean you become familiar with some of the local and macro environment.
Class Activity - Take some notes using key words after reading the article you have brought in class.

Homework Summary - Write a brief summary of the main issues the article deals with based on your notes.
Personal reflection - Respond in a written format about attitudes, feelings, reflections on the content and implications of the article.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

TASK 1 - Sep 7

Choose a famous Aboriginal person and identify

the turning points and achievements in their life


Practise the following grammar aspects

  • Past Simple Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Passive Voice 

this will be useful for your assessment 

Reading a Biography - Sep 14

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


TASK 1 - Biography Timeline

Open the Eddie Mabbo Timeline and use it as a model

Read Edith Cowan's Biography and create the


TASK 2 - Turning points & Achievements

Open Nelson Mandela's Biography and identify

the turning points and achievements in his life


Open the Bio Cube and create one for a

famous Australian 

(your choice)


Choose a famous person (Australian celebrity) 

  • Create the timeline
  • Identify the turning points and achievements

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Reading Biographies

  • Click om Famous People Biographies 
  • Choose a biography 
  • Listen the biography 
  • Read the biography
  • Do the vocabulary, reading, feeling the gap, spelling and writing activities
  • Record your answers in your notebook

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

TASK - 10/08/17 - Issues in English Program

1. Go to Issues in English 2           

2. Explore the program
  • levels 
  • topics
  • activities
3. Choose the right level for you and one of the topics

4. Do the activities provided

5. Describe the program and reflect on it (your opinion)
    in a blog post in your blog

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

TASK 10/08/17 - Using Digital Technology to improve learning

  • Go to Granville College Library 
  • Click on Subject Guides
  • Click on ESOL useful websites 
  • Choose 3 website you think might help you to improve your grammar
  • Add/embed the websites in your blog
  • Search for Reading and Writing Biographies videos - esl resources
  • Add/embed 2-3 videos in your blog
  • Practise some of the activities provided